Бидний тухай мэдээлэл

Delguur.online нь онлайн дэлгүүр бөгөөд Монголын уламжлалт худалдааг дэмжих зорилготой. Бид таны хэрэгцээнд нийцсэн бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг санал болгож байна.

A well-lit modern store interior with glass display counters containing various products. The store has large windows offering a view of the busy street and nearby buildings. The shelves hold multiple boxes and items, and the setup suggests it’s a retail environment.
A well-lit modern store interior with glass display counters containing various products. The store has large windows offering a view of the busy street and nearby buildings. The shelves hold multiple boxes and items, and the setup suggests it’s a retail environment.



Итгэлтэй худалдан авагчид

Бидний үйлчлүүлэгчид


Бидний дэлгүүрийн төсөл, шинэ бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг танилцуулна.

A bustling retail store environment with several people pushing shopping carts. Prominent signage for checkout and plumbing is visible above, and a visible display of various household products is on the shelves. The store has wide aisles and a bright interior.
A bustling retail store environment with several people pushing shopping carts. Prominent signage for checkout and plumbing is visible above, and a visible display of various household products is on the shelves. The store has wide aisles and a bright interior.
Төслийн нэр

Манай дэлгүүрийн төсөл, бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг судлаарай.

A modern retail store featuring sleek wooden furnishings and curved wooden ceiling designs. Several laptops and electronic devices are displayed on minimalist wooden tables. The store has large glass windows allowing natural light to illuminate the interior. Customers are seen browsing the products.
A modern retail store featuring sleek wooden furnishings and curved wooden ceiling designs. Several laptops and electronic devices are displayed on minimalist wooden tables. The store has large glass windows allowing natural light to illuminate the interior. Customers are seen browsing the products.
The interior of a retail clothing store featuring rows of clothing racks. A large digital screen at the back displays images of models wearing outfits. Hanging signs indicate sections for footwear and men's clothing. Bright overhead lighting and modern industrial decor contribute to the store's ambiance. Sales signs promote discounts, including a notable 60% off message.
The interior of a retail clothing store featuring rows of clothing racks. A large digital screen at the back displays images of models wearing outfits. Hanging signs indicate sections for footwear and men's clothing. Bright overhead lighting and modern industrial decor contribute to the store's ambiance. Sales signs promote discounts, including a notable 60% off message.
A modern retail store interior with a focus on minimalistic design. Shelves on the left side hold various boxed products, while a sleek, large sign reads 'Accessories' in bold letters. The lighting is soft, creating a calm ambiance.
A modern retail store interior with a focus on minimalistic design. Shelves on the left side hold various boxed products, while a sleek, large sign reads 'Accessories' in bold letters. The lighting is soft, creating a calm ambiance.

Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүнүүд, хямдралтай саналуудаас сонголтоо хийгээрэй.


Бидний дэлгүүр онлайн худалдаа эрхэлдэг. Бидний байршил нь та бүхэнд хялбар үйлчилгээ үзүүлэхэд зориулагдсан.


Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар

